Creating A Serene Bedroom Space
Top tip: Keep your bedroom a bedroom.
This may seem tongue-in-cheek, which it kind of is, but there is a very real element of truth behind it. When our bedroom becomes an entertainment room, storage room, or laundry room, it makes it hard for us to truly relax. When we mosey on into bed after a long day and see mountains of clothes that need washing and trinkets covering every surface, it makes sense that our brains find it challenging to unplug.
You deserve for your bedroom to feel like a cozy nest where you can rest and regenerate. Here are some thoughts on how to do that!
Declutter. It may seem obvious, but truly taking the time to let go of or relocate anything that doesn’t enhance the feeling of calm in your bedroom will create essential breathing room. Uncluttered sanctuary = beautiful night’s sleep.
Deal with the floordrobe. Take a few minutes each day to put those hard-working clothes where they belong, whether it be back in the closet or straight into the hamper! Doing it as soon as possible before the pile becomes overwhelming is key. I remind myself of this one all the time. It’s so easy to put the hamper of freshly washed clothes on the bed and "get to it in a bit."
Disguise the workspace. So many of us work from home these days and need to utilize part of the bedroom as a workspace. If you have a desk in your bedroom, try to find a way to conceal it when the day is done, like inside a wardrobe or by changing the lighting in the room. A candle can be a simple and affordable way to shift the vibe.
Ditch the TV. Or at least turn it off an hour before bed. I hear you screaming at me as I write this, but it’s true: screen time can seriously impact the sleep-wake cycle and the quality of your sleep. This includes that tiny screen we keep in our pocket!
Open the window. Apparently, we should do this for at least 10 minutes a day, even in winter (brrr), to remove stagnant energy and freshen up the room that we spend a large part of our days and lives in.
Be intentional with under-the-bed storage. This area can become a clutter trap if we’re not careful. And if you opt to use this space, you want to try to store things that are softer and more neutral. Energy is real, and we don’t want those work papers under your head when you sleep!
Your oasis awaits.
You can see that I used the word energy a lot. It’s a crucial component to creating a streamlined, calm, and decluttered space—a space that you want to retreat to. Take the time for yourself today to see what changes you can make in your space and reap the rewards of feeling rested and recharged in the morning, ready to conquer the day!