Makeup Expiration
Does makeup expire?
In one word, YES. The reason being that all of those lovely products can begin to harbour bacteria or degrade over time and cause irritation to our skin and sensitive eye area with continued use.
However, when embarking on the journey of decluttering, expiration dates can often feel like a guessing game, being that other than skincare products, most don’t show an expiration date, leading to a feverish Google search to determine what is still safe to use.
Here’s a little cheat sheet from our research to help you make decisions in the future. Just remember, this is a general rule of thumb; your mileage may vary.
o Mascara and liquid liner = 3 months
o Concealer, cream blush, foundation, lip gloss, and eye shadow = 1 year
o Lipstick = 1-2 years
o Pencil liner & powder blush = 2 years
o Shampoo/Conditioner + Hair Products: Opened = 1 year, unopened = 2-3 years
o Body Lotion = 1-2 years
o Perfume = 3-5 years to a maximum of 10 years
When letting go of products that you never had the chance to use before they expired, don’t beat yourself up! Let it serve as a gentle reminder that we often only need what we are currently using plus a backup when we are close to running out. Otherwise, we can easily spend money on things that we have the best intentions of using, but in all actuality, there aren’t enough days in the year to make that happen before the product has degraded and is ready to be bid adieu.