5 Things To Declutter
“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it's anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.”
– Peter Walsh
1. EXPIRED FOOD – Life gets busy, and expired food can easily accumulate. Our dietary preferences change, and previously purchased goodies sloooowly make their way to the back of the cupboard or fridge, never to be seen again. Taking time to check the dates on everything will not only free up vital storage space but also refresh your memory on what you have in stock so that you won’t waste money rebuying! Keep that notepad handy while tackling this one! That way, you can keep track of the items that need replenishing the next time you go grocery shopping.
2. EXPIRED MAKEUP – These babies don’t last nearly as long as we think they do! Expired makeup can harbor unfriendly bacteria and irritate our skin and eyes if we use it for too long. Most eye products only last 3-6 months, with the exception of eye shadow, which lasts a year. Foundation and concealer are also slightly more forgiving at a year, and powder blush and lipstick are AOK for up to 2 years. It's shocking, I know!
3. MISMATCHED CONTAINERS – Hello Tupperware! I’m looking at you! These items tend to take up a lot of room in our already full kitchens and storage spaces. Taking a few moments to pull them all out, see which ones are damaged and/or missing lids, and letting them go can be a huge space-saving win!
4. THINGS THAT DON’T BELONG TO YOU – This one may seem easy, but can often prove more difficult than anticipated. Your home isn’t meant to be a storage unit for other people’s things, and it’s OK to give them a deadline to come and get their stuff. It’s time to reclaim your space!
5. CLOTHES THAT DON’T FIT OR MAKE YOU FEEL FAB – Yes, this one can be a bit more daunting to tackle, but oh so rewarding! Letting go of socks that don’t have matches, dresses that haven’t fit in years, or that sweater that makes you itch like you’ve been bit by a dozen mosquitoes can be liberating! In the end, you’ll be left with the clothes that you actually LOVE and a closet that doesn’t stress you out.
Taking 15-30 minutes THIS weekend to complete one of these decluttering challenges will make you feel refreshed and give you the motivation and momentum you need to take on the bigger organizing projects that may be calling your name!
Creating Space Organizing provides decluttering, home organization, and move management services throughout the Lower Mainland and Greater Vancouver area.